EMDR Therapy in Denver

Connected Brain Counseling offers EMDR Therapists in Denver specialize in PTSD and trauma treatment 

What to Expect From An EMDR Session

A 1998 study conducted by Carlson et al found that military veterans exposed to EMDR experienced a 77-percent remission in their PTSD diagnosis within 12 sessions.

A meta-analysis conducted by Van Etten and Taylor found that EMDR was just as, if not more than, effective as exposure therapy in its ability to minimize PTSD symptoms efficiently.”

Gainer, Alam and Redding (1)

EMDR Therapists in Denver

Understanding Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy

You can learn more about neurofeedback therapy here and schedule a free consultation with a licensed therapist to determine your best course of treatment here

What happens during an EMDR session?

EMDR Therapy in Denver CO consists of a multi-step process that you and your therapist will track together. During sessions, you can expect your therapist to start by gathering background information, assessing readiness for EMDR, then completing bi-lateral stimulation, tracking eye movements, and discussing beliefs around traumatic events.

How is EMDR different than counseling?

EMDR is more structured than traditional counseling. Clients of EMDR therapy in Denver CO are required to pass through stages of EMDR processing in order to complete the next stage. However, clients may move forward and backward through these stages depending on their readiness level on a given day. This is normal and does not signify regression!

Can Any Therapist Offer EMDR?

Nope! In order to provide EMDR therapy, Master's Level Therapists (or above) are required to complete a specialized training course and achieve certification prior to offering services. Since this is a specialty form of training that takes longer than an individual counseling session, the financial investment is slightly higher. You can learn how much EMDR therapy in Denver CO costs at our pricing page here.

How to Know What Type of EMDR Therapy Is Best For You ?

EMDR is more structured than traditional counseling. Clients of EMDR therapy in Denver CO are required to pass through stages of EMDR processing in order to complete the next stage. However, clients may move forward and backward through these stages depending on their readiness level on a given day. This is normal and does not signify regression!


“EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. Repeated studies show that by using EMDR therapy people can experience the benefits of psychotherapy that once took years to make a difference. ” – Resource listed here


Individuals struggling with symptoms of PTSD, Anxiety, Depression and Mood Disorders are great candidates for EMDR. Additionally, clients who are willing and emotionally prepared to discuss traumatic events and potentially re-live emotional memories are good candidates for EMDR. If you’re not ready to discuss trauma, we get it – and Neurofeedback Therapy is a better option for you. Learn more about neurofeedback therapy here.


Your sessions will be guided by an eight part process and will therefore look different from session to session. Some sessions will require your therapist to assess readiness for emotional processing and delving into potential traumatic memories. Other sessions will involve discussing memories, sensations in the body and negative beliefs about the memory while tapping, listening to tones and tracking movements in the eyes. Your therapist will work collaboratively with you to determine what part of the eight step process is most appropriate for you to start with. Interestingly, the process may not be linear and you will likely move forward and backward in the steps based on readiness.

Nope! These modalities are vastly different in their approaches and outcomes. Think of EMDR Therapy as basic counseling for trauma with whipped cream, sprinkles and hot fudge on top. It is a specialized form of therapy and gets deep into the emotional state of an individual with a scientifically backed formula. Neurofeedback Therapy, on the other hand, utilizes operant conditioning and technology to alter brainwave activity and therefore neuronal connections that are contributing to negative behavioral patterns such as panic attacks, nightmares, anxiety, brain fog and more. Neurofeedback is passive and does NOT involve talking about memories/emotions.


Nope! These modalities are vastly different in their approaches and outcomes. Think of EMDR Therapy as basic counseling for trauma with whipped cream, sprinkles and hot fudge on top. It is a specialized form of therapy and gets deep into the emotional state of an individual with a scientifically backed formula. Neurofeedback Therapy, on the other hand, utilizes operant conditioning and technology to alter brainwave activity and therefore neuronal connections that are contributing to negative behavioral patterns such as panic attacks, nightmares, anxiety, brain fog and more. Neurofeedback is passive and does NOT involve talking about memories/emotions.


Yes! “Brown, McGoldrick, and Buchanan (1997) found successful remission in five of seven consecutive cases of Body Dysmorphic Disorder cases after 1-3 EMDR therapy sessions that processed the etiological memory.” Learn more about options for therapists for body dysmorphia in Denver here. (1)


Many studies have found that EMDR is more effective when compared to a placebo treatment. EMDR has also been studied in comparison to active listening (regular talk therapy without a specific modality attached) and cognitive therapy, psychodynamic therapy and behavioral therapy. In all of these cases, EMDR has had more succesful outcomes. (1)

Let's get started

Set up a free consultation to find the right therapist for trauma in Denver for you.

The image shows a logo with a circular design. Inside the circle, the text reads "Connected Paths Counseling" in red, and below it states "Individual & Couples Therapy & Neurofeedback" in pink. The text and circle have a transparent background.

3 Things To Consider Before
Starting Neurofeedback