Somatic Therapy in Denver

Counseling and neurofeedback therapy that utilize the body help reconnect and heal from trauma

You May Experience

Dissociation or disconnect from bodily sensations

Extreme stressors/trauma in body

Chronic Illness

Connected Brain Counseling offers somatic therapy + coaching and neurofeedback therapy for those wanting to connect more deeply to their body in Denver Colorado

Somatic Counseling Near Me in Denver

Reconnect to Your Body with Somatic Therapy

Trauma inevitably has a way of ​creating space between our bodies and our minds. Unfortunately, one of the most common symptoms of PTSD is disassociation from somatic sensation, feeling and awareness. However, we find that recreating a link between awareness and the body can be one of the most healing methods as well. 

Somatic Coaching in Denver

Connected Brain Counseling offers both therapy and coaching specializing in tools to create greater awareness around the body.  Our team of therapists who offer somatic therapy and somatic coaching are highly empathetic, warm and educated on how trauma is stored in the body. Though there are many modalities of talk therapy that can assist in healing, somatic coaching is highly requested for it’s grounding nature and consistent results. 

What to Expect from Somatic Therapy

For some clients, being paired directly with a somatic therapist is the most effective form of treatment. During this time, you and your therapist will set up a weekly or bi-weekly schedule that offers enough contact time to ​both understand how you are experiencing somatic distress and create a game plan together that feels good to both of you. 

Alternatively, if you have a therapist either within Connected Brain Counseling’s team or outside of it, you may attend a handful of somatic coaching sessions that offer you tools to self regulate outside of the therapy room. You do not need to part ways with your current counselor in order to reap the benefits of somatic coaching on a less formal, consistent basis. 

Is Touch Involved in Somatic Coaching?

Our style of somatic therapy does not involve physical contact between the therapist and client. The therapist may consult with you and guide you to place your hands on your chest, legs or stomach however these offerings will be integrated only after a significant level of trust, comfort and rapport have been established. Our approach to somatic therapy is personalized and never one size fits all – so you can rest assured your therapist will consult and communicate with you on what is working – and what doesn’t! 

Neurofeedback As An Additional Modality for Somatic Therapy

Neurofeedback is a safe, holistic form of treatment for, trauma, depression and anxiety as it works with your brain’s natural functions. By encouraging neuroplasticity, clients can expect to feel a greater sense of control over impulsivity and regulation within the nervous system. 

Most clients leave sessions feeling relaxed and calm. Over time, the small changes that neurofeedback promotes compile and create lasting changes. Connected Brain Counseling’s clients self report a reduction in symptoms between 30-70% over the course of their program with the majority of our clients seeing a 20% reduction in symptom severity just the first 10-15 sessions. 

Are There Side Effects of Neurofeedback Therapy in Addition to Somatic Therapy

Side effects from neurofeedback are uncommon with Connected Brain Counseling, though clients sometimes will report a minor headache or agitation following the session that usually subsides within the next 24 hours. 

Learn more about Neurofeedback Therapy

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The image shows a logo with a circular design. Inside the circle, the text reads "Connected Paths Counseling" in red, and below it states "Individual & Couples Therapy & Neurofeedback" in pink. The text and circle have a transparent background.

3 Things To Consider Before
Starting Neurofeedback