ADHD Therapy in Denver

Counseling and Neurofeedback for ADD and ADHD in Denver Colorado

You May Experience

Difficulty Staying on Task

Trouble Tracking Conversations

Low Self Esteem in Social Situations

Connected Brain Counseling specializes in ADHD therapy therapy for ADD/ADHD including counseling, couples counseling and qEEG Brain Mapping therapy

Neurofeedback and qEEG Brain Mapping for ADD/ADHD

ADHD & ADD Treatment in Denver Colorado

Neurofeedback for ADD/ADHD is extensively studied and has some of the highest rates of success compared to other disorders treated with neurofeedback (read more here). By regulating brainwave activity, an individual struggling with symptoms of ADD/ADHD is able to focus, execute tasks, take information in, and stay on task more efficiently.

This form of treatment is safe, effective and has lasting results with many of our clients choosing to taper off medication or lower dosage with the guidance of their psychiatrist during their treatment program.

Are you interested in learning more about how a Neurofeedback program customized for your ADD/ADHD will work? Check out our page here to learn more about ADHD Therapy.

What is ADD?

Understand your ADD/ADHD Diagnosis​​

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that can cause difficulty focusing, hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, and distractibility. ADHD is often diagnosed in childhood, but still affects adults.

Adult ADHD may manifest as difficulty paying attention, trouble staying organized, restlessness, lethargy, irritability, lack of motivation, and trouble with executive functioning tasks. It can be difficult to manage adult ADHD because symptoms often overlap with depression, anxiety, and substance use disorder.

According to the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), Adult ADHD symptoms must be persistent over 5 months in 2+ settings throughout the individuals life. The symptoms must also be showing to have negatively impacted academic, social, and/or occupational functioning ( Some, but not all, of the symptoms associated with ADHD are:

“Hyperactive Symptoms:

• Squirms when seated or fidgets with feet/hands

• Marked restlessness that is difficult to control

• Appears to be driven by “a motor” or is often “on the go”

• Lacks ability to play and engage in leisure activities in a quiet manner

• Incapable of staying seated in class

• Overly talkative Impulsive Symptoms:

• Difficulty waiting turn

• Interrupts or intrudes into conversations and activities of others

• Impulsively blurts out answers before questions completed”


What is the difference between ADD and ADHD?

Historically, ADD and ADHD were two different diagnoses. However, the DSM-V has changed the criteria for diagnosis and there is no difference between ADD and ADHD other than ADHD being considered a subtype of ADD. If an individual meets the criteria for ADD plus has symptoms of hyperactivity, they may the ADHD & ADD Treatment in Denver Colorado. 

Let's get started

Set up a free consultation about ADHD Therapy to find the right neurofeedback therapist in Denver Colorado

Brain Mapping Therapy for ADD/ADHD

Every Neurofeedback Therapy program starts with a qEEG Brain Map. A Brain Map is a two part process consisting of data collection and data review with a licensed clinician.

In your first data collection session, you can expect to wear a tightly fitted cap that is lined with 19 electrodes that sit on the surface of the head. Through a series of readings with your eyes open and closed, the electrodes pick up activity that is processed into a 27 page report for you and your clinician to review together.

In your data review session, your clinician will help you understand what parts of the brain are overworking and underworking to create symptoms such as distractibility, trouble with word finding, hyperactivity, brain fog, etc. This information will guide your protocols for a uniquely designed Neurofeedback program customized for your brainwave activity.

You can learn more on qEEG Brain Mapping therapy here.

Therapists for ADD/ADHD in Denver Colorado

Therapy for ADD/ADHD

Connected Brain Counseling approaches counseling for individuals with ADD/ADHD with empirically backed modalities that are shown to have high success rates with this particular disorder.  Our team of therapists for ADD/ADHD in Denver understand how to work with client suffering from symptoms of ADD/ADHD.

We pull from a blend of CBT and DBT when working with individuals who have an ADD/ADHD diagnosis. You can expect your clinician to guide you through processes associated with noticing thoughts, increasing mindfulness and implementing strategies at home that help you overcome the struggles associated with ADD/ADHD. 

Couples Counseling for ADD + ADHD

A unique set of struggles comes along for those who are partnered with someone who has ADD/ADHD. It is not uncommon to feel frustrated with a lack of initiative or decreased levels of intimacy due to distractibility.

Connected Brain Counseling takes a unique approach to understanding ADD/ADHD within couples by offering both individuals a glimpse into their neuronal functioning with a qEEG Brain Map. Being able to see the difference in your partner’s brain compared to yours, we often find grace and understanding follows.

If you’re interested in learning more about our Couples Mapping Program, schedule a free 20 minute consultation at the link below.

We take a strength based approach to empowering clients with ADD + ADHD

We are here to remind you…you are not your diagnosis! Often, we find clients are highly attached to diagnoses rather than seeing the strengths that also come with ADD/ADHD.

We take a strength based approach to helping clients relate to their ADD/ADHD by offering tools to manage symptoms while also feeling empowered to see it as one piece of their unique structure as an individual.

Let's get started

Set up a free consultation to find the right therapist for ADD/ADHD in Denver Colorado