
Relocation Depression Symptoms: How Long Does It Last and Why You Might Be Sad After a Big Move

A man and a woman are carrying an orange armchair up a wooden staircase in a bright, minimally decorated room. Two cardboard boxes, a white bicycle, and a small stack of books are on the floor near the staircase.

Relocation Depression

Relocation depression is a very real and common issue that many people face when they move to a new place. The symptoms of relocation depression can range from mild to severe, and the period of time that it lasts can vary greatly from person to person. This blog post will discuss the different symptoms of relocation depression, how long it typically lasts, and why you might be feeling sad after a big move.

Feeling lonely in a new city

As a therapist in Denver who works with individuals struggling with depression (who has moved many times!) I am well versed on how isolating relocation depression can be.

You may catch yourself saying…

“You wanted to be in this new city, right?”

“There is no reason to feel lonely in a new city. Look how many people there are to meet!”

“I was so excited to move but now I feel lonely and depressed. Should I move back home?”

Moving causes conflicting emotions. It is both a happy and challenging time all at once. Moving also has the ability to show the cracks in our mental health. It can expose you to codependent relationships, your understanding of grief/loss and push you out of your comfort zone.

Relocation depression is a common response to feeling lonely in a new city, but it doesn’t have to be!

What is relocation depression?

Moving to a new city can be a daunting task, especially when it’s your first big move. You’re leaving the familiar behind and entering a completely unknown environment, which can make you feel incredibly lonely. This feeling of loneliness is commonly known as relocation depression, and it can cause a range of physical and emotional symptoms.

Relocation depression is a form of clinical depression that arises due to the overwhelming emotions associated with a big move. It can lead to feelings of isolation, low energy, difficulty concentrating, and even difficulty sleeping. In extreme cases, it can cause symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks.

Relocation depression is different than generalized depression. Learn more about how to tell the difference here.

The symptoms of relocation depression

Relocation is not only clinical depression, but a recent study from Psych Now shows that under the age of 30, individuals worldwide under the age of 30 felt a “dip in their overall well-being.” Relocation depression is a type of sadness and anxiety that can arise in response to the drastic changes associated with relocating to a new home.

It’s normal to experience a certain degree of stress when you move, but relocation depression is a more intense reaction that can have lasting effects. While the length of relocation depression can vary from person to person, it’s important to recognize the signs so you can seek help from a therapist for depression and begin to address the issue.

Common symptoms of relocation depression include feeling homesick or isolated, sadness or hopelessness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, fatigue, and physical symptoms like headaches, chest pain, or stomachaches. It can also be hard to adjust to your new environment and make friends in your new home, which can worsen feelings of loneliness and lead to further problems.

How long does relocation depression last?

The length of relocation depression varies from person to person; some may experience it for weeks while others may have it for months. The best way to help manage relocation depression is to stay in touch with friends and family from your old home, take some time for self-care activities, and seek professional help if needed.

Additionally, staying physically active by going for walks or engaging in other forms of exercise can also help boost mood. Finally, talking about how you are feeling can help in managing relocation depression; seeking out support from a trusted friend or family member can often provide much needed relief from this difficult experience.

Feeling unsettled in your new home and how to cope with relocation depression

If you’re struggling with the length of relocation depression, there are steps you can take to help manage it.

Here are a few tips on how to help your relocation depression:

1. Seek out support from a therapist for depression. Moving to a new city can be tough, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Reaching out to friends, family members, and professional counselors can help provide emotional support and guidance during this difficult time.

2. Establish routines: Establishing a daily routine can help you stay focused and on track. Finding ways to make yourself feel at home in your new city, like exploring local attractions or joining clubs or classes, can also be beneficial.

3. Give yourself time: Moving to a new city can be overwhelming, so give yourself plenty of time to adjust and acclimate to the change. Try to focus on the positives of the experience and remind yourself that you’re doing the best that you can.

With the right strategies, managing relocation depression can be done successfully. If your relocation depression persists for more than a few weeks, it may be helpful to speak with a therapist for depression in Denver for additional support and guidance.

Feeling unsettled in your new home, how to cope with relocation depression and therapy for relocation depression

It’s important to create a support network in your new city. Joining local clubs or organizations, meeting with friends for coffee or dinner, and attending church services are all great ways to find people who can empathize with the process of relocating. This can help give you a sense of belonging in a new place. Additionally, taking care of yourself is crucial during this time—eating healthy foods, getting enough rest, and doing activities that you enjoy are all key in helping manage relocation depression.

Therapy for depression is another option to consider when managing relocation depression. Working with a therapist can give you the opportunity to explore your thoughts and feelings around the move in a safe and supportive space. A therapist can also provide additional coping strategies that are tailored to your individual needs. For those living in Denver Colorado, here are some therapists who specialize in helping those dealing with relocation depression at Connected Brain Counseling:

• Michela Parisi, MA LPCC

• Sydney Focht , MA LPCC

• Macee Broer, MA LPC

No matter where you are in your journey with relocation depression, there are resources available to help. With the right supports and coping strategies, you can make the transition to your new home smoother and more enjoyable. Learn more about therapists for relocation depression below.

Therapist for Relocation Depression Denver

Neurofeedback therapy for relocation depression in Denver Colorado

Relocation depression is a real condition that affects many people. It is the feeling of sadness, loneliness, and anxiety associated with moving to a new place. Neurofeedback Therapy is an evidence-based treatment for relocation depression that has been shown to be effective in helping people manage their feelings associated with relocation.

Neurofeedback Therapy is based on the principles of neuroscience. It involves using electroencephalography (EEG) to measure brain wave activity and providing feedback to the patient on how to regulate their emotions. This type of therapy can help you gain insight into your emotional state and how to better manage it. Neurofeedback Therapy also helps to reduce stress levels, decrease anxiety, and improve your overall mood.

The length of relocation depression can vary depending on the individual, but with Neurofeedback Therapy, many patients have seen positive results in just a few weeks. Neurofeedback Therapy can help you cope with relocation depression by teaching you how to regulate your emotions, reduce stress levels, and focus on positive thinking. This type of therapy can also help you develop coping mechanisms that will help you manage any future relocation depression you may experience.

If you’re looking for Neurofeedback Therapy for relocation depression in Denver Colorado, there are several certified professionals in the area who specialize in this type of therapy. By working with a trained specialist, you can learn how to help relocation depression and manage your emotions so that you can have a successful transition to your new home.

Learn more about neurofeedback therapy for relocation depression below.

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Starting Neurofeedback

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